Oregon’s One-Time Fleet Reporting Requirement – The deadline is fast approaching.
If you have a fleet in Oregon, you need to know about Oregon’s One-Time Fleet Reporting Requirement! You must complete the reporting form by June 30th, 2022, so read on to learn about the requirements and how to submit your form.
What is the One-time Fleet Reporting Requirement?
The one-time reporting requirement is for fleets and businesses that operate or direct the movement of on-road vehicles in Oregon. This applies to vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) greater than 8,500 lbs., which includes most trucks, buses, and delivery vans.
Why do fleets need to report?
The one-time fleet reporting requirement is part of Oregon’s Clean Trucks Rule, adopted in November 2021. The rule was designed to lower emissions by encouraging manufacturers to sell more zero-emissions vehicles. By collecting data from fleets, the DEQ will better be able to create policies and recommendations to encourage lowering emissions.
Who is affected by the One-Time Fleet Reporting Requirement?
You must report if you are a fleet owner, business, government agency, municipality, or broker with on-road vehicles over 8,500 lbs. GVWR, if in 2021 your entity operated a facility in Oregon and meets any of the following criteria:
Had gross annual revenues greater than $50 million in the U.S. for the 2021 tax year, including revenues from all subsidiaries, subdivisions, or branches, and had one or more vehicles under common ownership or control that were operated in Oregon in 2021.
Any fleet owner in the 2021 calendar year that had five or more vehicles under common ownership or control.
Any broker or entity that dispatched five or more vehicles into or throughout Oregon in the 2021 calendar year.
Any Oregon government agency, including all state and local municipalities, that had five or more vehicles that were operated in Oregon in 2021
Any federal government agency that had five or more vehicles that were operated in Oregon in 2021.
When is the One-Time Fleet Reporting form due?
Fleets must submit their reporting form by June 30, 2022. The form is an Excel document with three sheets of in-depth reporting information, so don’t wait until the last minute!
Get more information
Download the Fact Sheet and/or the Fleet Reporting booklet here >
You can access more info and details from the official Oregon One-Time Reporting page (not available at this time)
Or feel free to contact Jeff Wells our Retrofit Manager at DES Portland
Call 844-556-3150 or email
Diesel Emissions Services (DES) has successfully installed well over 15k retrofits in California and across the United States. Our Portland OR location has a complete DPF Cleaning facility and a full inventory of aftertreatment parts for servicing emissions systems. We have the equipment, expertise, and experienced retrofit installers for whatever you need.
We are honored to assist heavy-duty diesel fleets and equipment operators in the State of Oregon to help improve air quality and the environment for future generations.
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